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Introducing Microsoft 365's AI Revolution: Copilot, Brought to You by Smart Computers and Consulting

The Dawn of a New Era in Productivity and Security

At Smart Computers and Consulting, we're always on the lookout for innovative tools that enhance productivity and secure data privacy. Our latest discovery? Microsoft 365's new AI assistant, Copilot. This isn't just another AI tool; it's a game-changer in the way businesses interact with technology. We've put it to the test, and the results are in: Copilot is not just impressive, it's revolutionary in boosting productivity and maintaining top-notch security. Stay tuned for an in-depth blog on Copilot's capabilities, but for now, let's dive into the essentials.

What is Microsoft Copilot?

Microsoft Copilot stands out as an AI marvel within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Leveraging Microsoft's research prowess and OpenAI's cutting-edge technology, Copilot transcends traditional AI limits. It integrates seamlessly with your familiar Microsoft productivity apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, and Outlook. It's not just for everyday tasks; developers will find it invaluable for coding and debugging. New IT staff? Copilot makes onboarding a breeze, especially for those learning new programming languages or frameworks.

Copilot's Magic in Microsoft 365

The potential of Copilot in Microsoft 365 is boundless. As it learns and evolves, it becomes increasingly resourceful. Imagine having an AI assistant to:

  • Summarize lengthy email threads
  • Draft proposals from meeting notes
  • Provide recaps of Teams discussions
  • Craft tailored PowerPoint presentations
  • Rewrite documents in different tones
  • Compose congratulatory emails

Is Copilot Secure? Absolutely.

Security is paramount in the digital world, and Copilot doesn't disappoint. It's as secure as any Microsoft 365 tool, inheriting your existing Microsoft security settings. What Copilot learns from your data remains exclusively yours, not shared across organizations. Concerned about your current Microsoft security configurations? Visit our blog for essential Microsoft security tips. Remember, security misconfigurations account for a significant portion of cybersecurity incidents.

Who Can Access Microsoft's AI Powerhouse?

Copilot is designed for organizations, not individuals. Priced at $30/user/month, it's available as an add-on for various Microsoft licenses. Whether you're a small business or a large educational institution, Copilot is accessible and beneficial.

Getting Started with Copilot

If you're a Smart Computers and Consulting client, adding Copilot to your account is easy. Just access the Client Center or contact us directly. If you handle your Microsoft licenses directly, adding Copilot is a four-step process in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Ensure your organization meets the prerequisites before adding Copilot.

Smart Computers and Consulting: Your Guide to AI Advancement

We're still exploring Copilot's full potential and will share more insights soon. In the meantime, are you considering enhancing your Microsoft experience with expert support or a comprehensive assessment? At Smart Computers and Consulting, we offer more than just licenses; we provide a partnership to navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape. Interested? Visit our website for more information and to embark on your AI journey with Copilot.

Smart Computing, Smarter Solutions.

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